Sunday, March 8, 2009

‘Optimist Obama’ takes steps towards absolute destruction

Obama has decided to reach out to the ‘moderate’ elements of Taliban and ask them to ‘reconcile’ with the Afghan government. Can anything be more dangerous and ‘recklessly optimistic’ (that it borders on utter foolishness) than this?

Taliban calls for a ‘global Islamic empire’ in the 21st century. What does he Obama mean by ‘moderate Taliban’? Does he mean that if some ‘Mujahedeen’ are ready to remain satisfied with an ‘Islamic Asian Empire’, they can be called ‘moderates’? The timing of this call is also an invitation for utter disaster. Just now, Taliban has deepened its claws into Pakistan. Swat Valley has come under its control. The government and the army have capitulated to the Taliban extremists in the North West Frontier Province (NWFP) in Pakistan. Obama’s call will be seen as a sign of ‘weakened’ USA. This is certainly not desirable for the humanity as it is another nail in the coffin of ‘freedom of thought and expression’ in the Afghan land. The Taliban extremists will be emboldened to increase their efforts for ‘world domination’ as they will see this capitulation of USA as a ‘gift of Allah’ for the Mujahedeen.

The Democrats of USA seem to have lost their brains regarding how to deal with Islamic extremism. Leaving behind half-baked cakes (unsolved problems) will not serve anyone’s purpose. In fact, such decisions will come to bite US’ arse in future. The threat of Taliban is more acute than that of even the erstwhile Nazi Germany. Nazism was restricted to Germany alone. Taliban is using conservative Islam as its ideological weapon. Muslims form about one-fifth of the world population. As such, if Taliban succeeds, we will be forced to deal with a billion ‘extremists’ (which is a very huge number compared to a few million Nazis). The problem with the politicians of both the West and the East is that they are unwilling to see the reality. They are afraid to accept the imminent huge danger. They seem to think that if they close their eyes to the problem, it will go away. Unfortunately, such childish wishes do not make any difference in this world.

Hamid Karzai, the Afghan President, has welcomed Obama’s call. Karzai is currently facing a huge problem from the popularity of the Taliban. He thinks that if the ‘moderates’ are brought to the side of the Afghan government; he will be able to exercise considerably more authority in the nation. But it seems that he has not considered the effect of having these ‘moderates’ working in the government. Afghanistan will see another Swat Valley sort of government. Is that what Karzai wants? I hope he has not stooped to such an extent that he will give up his ideals for the sake of power.

Any attempt for dialogue with the Islamic extremists will be seen as a sign of ‘enemy’s capitulation/weakness’ by the Jihadists. Obama will do well not to take this extremely ridiculous step in the name of ‘peace’. If goes through with this step, he will become nothing but a modern Chamberlain.


Karzai welcomes Obama call to reach out to the Taliban - The Associated Press


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