Thursday, February 26, 2009

Racial Disparity in Human Rights? Kosovo and Pakistan

5 Top Serbs found Guilty of War Crimes in Kosovo

- New York Times, 26 February, 2009


About 700,000 civilians (ethnic albanians) of Kosovo were expelled to Albania. Many were killed, raped and robbed by the Serb forces. Justice has been delivered in this case. But whatever happened to the war crimes committed by Pakistani troops in 1971? The Hindu minority population of East Pakistan (present day Bangladesh) was literally massacred. Millions fled to India as refugees. It is estimated that more than few million Hindus were killed. May I know the steps taken by the international community to bring these criminals to justice? Perhaps, skin color and nationality does matter. Despite repeated statements to the contrary, we see that the lives of whites and citizens of the Western world do have a greater value than that of Oriental and African people.

As far as I can see, the so called equality of all humanity is a farce. It is certainly not practiced in India. The plight of Kashmiri Pandits has not attracted the attention of the international community. Even within India, the same kind of attention, given to Muslim victims of Post-Godhra riots in 2002, is not given to the Hindu victims nor do the Sikh victims of 1984 get that much attention in media/politics.

Perhaps it is time for the 'international community' to wake up. Either they must act like they say or they must accept that 'certain lives are more equal than others'.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Terrorism in Bible – John


3.36 – If you do not believe in the ‘son of God’, you shall suffer the wrath of God forever. (If God wants everyone to believe only Him, then why the hell did He allow so many religions to come up? Why the hell does He allow people to be born in the families of non-believers? I can't believe these to be the words of God. They sound pretty sadistic to me.)

12.48 – If you don’t believe in Jesus, you have a ‘one way ticket’ to hell.

15.6 – If you do not believe, you will be cast into fire and burned.

15.22 – As Jesus has come, the non-believers have no right/excuse not to believe in the ‘true doctrine’ preached by Jesus. (Great statement!!! One man visits a tiny desert country and preaches some ‘doctrine’. It wipes away the ‘right to use the brains’ from the entire humanity.)

Rampant anti-Semitism is found in the following areas of this Gospel:

5.16-18, 7.1, 7.13, 8.44, 11.8 and 20.19

The whole chapter 19 is hell bent on blaming the Jews for the ‘crucifixion’ of Christ. These ‘statements’ have lead to the persecution of Jews over several centuries. Let us use some common-sense in this case. If the Jews did crucify Jesus, didn’t they do a favour to humanity as per the Christian doctrine? After all, they ensured that the ‘Son of God’ dies and thereby, washes away the sins of humans. So, why should the Jews be condemned? Shouldn’t their work be praised? But then, the ‘authors’ of the Gospels do appear to lack ‘common sense’ and ‘rational thinking’. Therefore, it is too much to expect from them.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Terrorism in Bible: Mark and Luke


6.11 – If your city does not receive the message of Jesus’ apostles, it will be destroyed in a manner worse than that of Sodom and Gomorrah. What a great mercy!

16.16 – If you do not get baptized and do not believe in Christian doctrine, you will be damned (i.e. sent to hell).


3.17: “.....the chaff he will burn with fire unquenchable.” It is stated that Jesus will burn the damned souls with unquenchable fire. It certainly does not appear merciful. Anyone who is not baptised is damned and then, they will be thrown to hell for eternal suffering. So, even His Holiness Dalai Lama, who has not harmed a single life, is damned to such a suffering according to this book.

10.10-15: Once again (like in Mark), the cities that do not receive the apostles’ message are damned to a fate worse than that of Sodom and Gomorrah (whose entire population was butchered by God).

11.23: “He that is not with me is against me...” Doesn’t the so called God speak like the leader of a terrorist gang??

13.24-28: Very few people will go to heaven. Others will suffer eternal damnation in hell. It certainly does not appear to be a ‘merciful, loving God’ to me. If this is the meaning of the words ‘mercy’ and ‘love’ according to the Christian scholars then there must be something very wrong with their thinking process.

19.27: The parable of talents – God orders that those who do not accept ‘His reign’ over them shall be slain before His eyes. It looks like an order to kill unbelievers.