Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Terrorism in Bible – John


3.36 – If you do not believe in the ‘son of God’, you shall suffer the wrath of God forever. (If God wants everyone to believe only Him, then why the hell did He allow so many religions to come up? Why the hell does He allow people to be born in the families of non-believers? I can't believe these to be the words of God. They sound pretty sadistic to me.)

12.48 – If you don’t believe in Jesus, you have a ‘one way ticket’ to hell.

15.6 – If you do not believe, you will be cast into fire and burned.

15.22 – As Jesus has come, the non-believers have no right/excuse not to believe in the ‘true doctrine’ preached by Jesus. (Great statement!!! One man visits a tiny desert country and preaches some ‘doctrine’. It wipes away the ‘right to use the brains’ from the entire humanity.)

Rampant anti-Semitism is found in the following areas of this Gospel:

5.16-18, 7.1, 7.13, 8.44, 11.8 and 20.19

The whole chapter 19 is hell bent on blaming the Jews for the ‘crucifixion’ of Christ. These ‘statements’ have lead to the persecution of Jews over several centuries. Let us use some common-sense in this case. If the Jews did crucify Jesus, didn’t they do a favour to humanity as per the Christian doctrine? After all, they ensured that the ‘Son of God’ dies and thereby, washes away the sins of humans. So, why should the Jews be condemned? Shouldn’t their work be praised? But then, the ‘authors’ of the Gospels do appear to lack ‘common sense’ and ‘rational thinking’. Therefore, it is too much to expect from them.

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