Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Terrorism in Bible - Isaiah


2.18: God will utterly abolish the idols. (May I know why God suffers from such insecurity?)

5.24-25: God will tear the bodies of those who do not follow the rules laid down by Him. (Note that God does not say about ‘hurting fellow humans’ warranting such punishment but simply not following the ‘rules’. Those very rules also include killing entire races as per God’s command!!)

9.17: God hates the widows and children of the hypocrites. He punishes them for the misdeed of their husbands/fathers. (What sort of justice is this?)

9.19 – 20: When God gets angry, he will force the people to burn their brothers and eat their flesh. (Terrorise the followers into following His orders blindly)

13.15 – 18: God will not only kill the sinners but kill their children and rape their wives (what a ‘pious’ act!!). Even the children and the pregnant women with their foetuses will not be spared from God’s (more like a devil) anger.

14.21: God will kill the children for the iniquity of the fathers.

Isaiah 15 and 16 are full of God’s tales about how Moab shall be destroyed. He will destroy the entire land and its population. If anyone survives, God will send lions to finish them off. Complete destruction of Moab in 3 years is prophesied.

Isaiah 17 is about God will destroy Syria with its capital Damascus. (God says that Damascus will never be inhabited again. But it is even now a very highly populated city and the capital of Syria. Perhaps Biblical God must improve His divination skills.)

Isaiah 18 is about God will destroy the nations beyond the rivers of Ethiopia.

Isaiah 19 is about how God will destroy Egypt.

19.1: God will destroy the idols of Egypt. He will destroy the country.

19.2 – 4: God shall make the Egyptians fight one another (brother against brother, neighbour against neighbour etc). He will make them live under a cruel king.

19.5: God says that Nile (river of Egypt) will go dry. It has never occurred in history and is still flowing with water around the year.

Isaiah 24 is about the Apocalypse. God will turn the earth upside down (??!!). Burn all the inhabitants of earth except a few. He will even make the earth reel like a drunkard as he will weaken the foundation (earthquakes). [God seems to be very fond of terrorising His followers into following His commands. After all, no normal thinking human will even consider following the commands of such a ‘God’.)

[Note: I think that I will stop citing from Old Testament for the time being. I’ll start with the New Testament. I am disgusted with these ridiculous and cruel writings. Now that we have seen the amount of cruelty and terrorism inherently present in Old Testament, we will look at the New Testament. (Only a part of Isaiah (chapters 1 to 24) is covered in this post. The chapters from 25 to 66 have not been covered)]

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