Sunday, March 15, 2009

Islamic Intolerance in India - Another Example

A Religious procession sparks communal violence in Nanded, Maharashtra.

A Hindu religious procession consisting of a deity and the devotees was attacked by the Muslims because it passed by a street where a mosque stood. Stones were pelted at the procession from inside the mosque. Note that the procession occurred on the street and that no one entered the mosque. The Muslims seem to believe that wherever a mosque stands, the entire street belongs to them. Can we apply the same rule to Hindu temples? Then almost no Muslim procession can ever occur in most streets of India. Why should we have this double standard?

The most deplorable issue in this case is that the mosque is only about 100 metres from the police station. They had no fear of police stopping them or taking stern action against them. This is because of the vote-bank politics in this country. Somehow, when Muslims indulges in communal violence and hurts or kills Hindus, the ‘secular’ parties do not view it as acts of ‘vulgar communalism’ or ‘intolerant Islam’. They seem to become blind towards these issues. Even when more than 100 people (mostly Hindus and Christians) were killed and thousands were driven out of their homes by the Muslim mobs in Assam, no one seemed to care about it. Even media does not give coverage to such inhuman brutalities.

Why do we see this effort to ‘whitewash’ all the acts of Islamic intolerance in this country? It is time to stop this annoying drama and face the truth. Let us make it clear that such intolerance does not have a place in our nation. This is not Pakistan. This is secular India with a Hindu character.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Save our Wildlife; Don't kill them

- - Jalpaiguri villagers lynch leopard (The Pioneer, 10 March 2009)

In another unfortunate incident, the villagers of Jalpaiguri (in West Bengal) have clubbed and lynched in a brutal manner because they saw that as a ‘threat’. Meanwhile, the Meghalaya forest officials are ‘hunting’ for an elephant which went ‘berserk’ and killed four people. The wildlife of India is in a great danger of extinction. The way we are killing our endangered species, we might make all these animals extinct in a decade or so. The ‘justification’ given by the villagers and the government officials (who sometimes order the killing of ‘dangerous animals in human areas’) is that these wild animals enter ‘human inhabited areas’ and as such, these ‘dangers’ have to be executed.

But then aren’t we, humans, trespassing and occupying the areas inhabited by our brothers and sisters (wild animals) of forests? Shall we say that those species, which are threatened by our occupation, have the right to kill (or eliminate) us – ‘dangers to their environment and living conditions’? Shrinking forest cover and deforestation are the major reasons for these occasional ‘wild’ trespassers. Instead of taking measures to stop such things, the government is focussing on even more destroying the ‘natural wealth’ of the nation.

The situation in India right now is explained by the line ‘Throwing the baby out with the bath water’. Let the government and the people get their heads out of the sand and do something constructive to protect the wildlife. Else, I am afraid that our grandchildren will be shown only pictures and videos of the majestic lifestyle of tigers, leopards etc.

Sunday, March 8, 2009

‘Optimist Obama’ takes steps towards absolute destruction

Obama has decided to reach out to the ‘moderate’ elements of Taliban and ask them to ‘reconcile’ with the Afghan government. Can anything be more dangerous and ‘recklessly optimistic’ (that it borders on utter foolishness) than this?

Taliban calls for a ‘global Islamic empire’ in the 21st century. What does he Obama mean by ‘moderate Taliban’? Does he mean that if some ‘Mujahedeen’ are ready to remain satisfied with an ‘Islamic Asian Empire’, they can be called ‘moderates’? The timing of this call is also an invitation for utter disaster. Just now, Taliban has deepened its claws into Pakistan. Swat Valley has come under its control. The government and the army have capitulated to the Taliban extremists in the North West Frontier Province (NWFP) in Pakistan. Obama’s call will be seen as a sign of ‘weakened’ USA. This is certainly not desirable for the humanity as it is another nail in the coffin of ‘freedom of thought and expression’ in the Afghan land. The Taliban extremists will be emboldened to increase their efforts for ‘world domination’ as they will see this capitulation of USA as a ‘gift of Allah’ for the Mujahedeen.

The Democrats of USA seem to have lost their brains regarding how to deal with Islamic extremism. Leaving behind half-baked cakes (unsolved problems) will not serve anyone’s purpose. In fact, such decisions will come to bite US’ arse in future. The threat of Taliban is more acute than that of even the erstwhile Nazi Germany. Nazism was restricted to Germany alone. Taliban is using conservative Islam as its ideological weapon. Muslims form about one-fifth of the world population. As such, if Taliban succeeds, we will be forced to deal with a billion ‘extremists’ (which is a very huge number compared to a few million Nazis). The problem with the politicians of both the West and the East is that they are unwilling to see the reality. They are afraid to accept the imminent huge danger. They seem to think that if they close their eyes to the problem, it will go away. Unfortunately, such childish wishes do not make any difference in this world.

Hamid Karzai, the Afghan President, has welcomed Obama’s call. Karzai is currently facing a huge problem from the popularity of the Taliban. He thinks that if the ‘moderates’ are brought to the side of the Afghan government; he will be able to exercise considerably more authority in the nation. But it seems that he has not considered the effect of having these ‘moderates’ working in the government. Afghanistan will see another Swat Valley sort of government. Is that what Karzai wants? I hope he has not stooped to such an extent that he will give up his ideals for the sake of power.

Any attempt for dialogue with the Islamic extremists will be seen as a sign of ‘enemy’s capitulation/weakness’ by the Jihadists. Obama will do well not to take this extremely ridiculous step in the name of ‘peace’. If goes through with this step, he will become nothing but a modern Chamberlain.


Karzai welcomes Obama call to reach out to the Taliban - The Associated Press


Saturday, March 7, 2009

Bring Saudis to the 21st Century - Abuse of women is NOT pious

February 7, 2008
- Religious police in Saudi Arabia arrest mother for sitting with a man

(from 'The Times')

A lady has been arrested, strip searched and abused by the 'Mutaween' (religious police of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia) because she sat with an 'unrelated' male (who happened to be her colleague) in a Starbucks coffee bar. The police called her a sinner and proclaimed that she will rot in hell for this sin.

Does it appear even a single bit sensible? What sort of police and courts are there in this country? Do they think that they are still living in the 7th century CE when Islam was invented by Muhammad? Where are the Human rights groups and the United Nations? Why are they allowing such practices to continue?

It is high time that such 'ultra conservatives' are brought kicking and crying into the 21st century. Neither the police nor religion has anything to do with a person's individual behavior. No one has the right to curtail the personal freedom of an individual. It is deplorable that the women of Saudi Arabia are forced to live in a medieval world. If we allow this to continue, it is a shame on the entire humanity.

Friday, March 6, 2009

Nagaland - Is it a part of India or not?

The leaders of Nagaland do not seem to be consider the state as an integral part of the Indian Union. The CM of Nagaland pleads for a peaceful dialogue with India as cannot be defeated in a war. Perhaps, he has forgotten that he is the Chief Minister (CM) of the Indian state, Nagaland not a leader of some 'alien Nagaland'. A recent article in 'The Pioneer' opens our eyes to the political reality in Nagaland. It is the height of hypocrisy that those parties which harp on secularism do not even think about condemning such secessionist activities which are clearly based on religion (Muslim majority Kashmir Valley, Christian Majority Nagaland - the Baptist Church of Nagaland is an active supporter of such anti-national activities). Perhaps, for these 'sickular' parties, secularism means 'anti-Hindu' and nothing else. The hard truth is that despite being a secular country, people do view this nation as a 'Hindu nation' - be it various Islamic nations or our own 'minority dominated' states. It appears that the best way out is to recognize India as a Hindu nation (not necessarily as a Hindu theocratic state but recognizing its Hindu nature and as such the need for its preservation as such). After all, this nation of great diversity is held together by the common thread of Ramayana and Mahabharata binding the people together. When people lose the touch of this thread, they wish to make themselves separate from the national stream. May God help the eyes of the idiots in this nation to open. May this nation remain united. If we do fail to wake up to the realities staring at our face, we may to too late to save the nation from another partition.

Refer the article below:

"...... Nagas have three clear choices before them, the Chief Minister said. The first option is to wage war against India, defeat her and achieve sovereignty; second option may be approach a third country to intervene and pressurise India to recognise the political rights of the Nagas; and third option is: Negotiate with India through peaceful dialogue and political negotiations based on mutual trust and understanding to achieve a lasting and honourable settlement acceptable to the Naga people."